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Kolie Ann


1. Just turned 3 in December: most people, including her teachers, think she is 5

2. Is the true baby of the family: yes, she is in charge

3. Is the most fascinating combination of Olivia & Gabi:  (My mom hates when I say this; she always reminds me, "she is her own person!" Got it,mom!)

4. Has captivated the hearts of everyone since Day One with her infectious smile

5. Has been riding her bike to the neighbors’ house, about a quarter mile down the road, since she was 2

6. Has her daddy wrapped around every limb on her body

7. LOVES to downhill ski: just wait for the videos and photos

8. Has no fear: three ER visits in her first three years, compared to zero for her sisters, KNOCK-ON-WOOD

9. Was not a big fan of preschool this year: four months in and it is finally growing on her

10. Is eight and six years younger than her sisters:  yes, we are crazy and no, we were not disappointed

11. Has lived every summer at the lake and has truly become a "lake baby”

12. Was born with jet-black hair and is now a true blondie: no, I have no idea where it came from

Kolie provides life for our family and we can't imagine our world without her. She is named after my great-grandmother, Annie Coles, who was four-foot-nothing and loved to swear. I think Kolie will honor her namesake well. Kolie completed our family and because she is the third, we don't get wound up about much; she will be fine.


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