Here’s a question I’m asked all the time: Who do you work with?
I LOVE this question.
I work with people who are:
hungry for change
searching for something different
(and are often unsure of what that
means or how it looks)
willing to hustle
committed to lifelong learning
unafraid to blaze a trail
willing to go all-in
You get the drift..
I listen to people, but more importantly, I watch their feet. Are they truly walking the walk or are they just talking the talk? I help people get crystal clear on what THEY really want. We make a plan (based on activity) on how to get there. I believe my true strength comes from holding people accountable and asking the tough questions. I will be your Number One Fan and biggest supporter, but I will not allow you to stand in your own way. I’m a big fan of tough love; tough love is why I am where I am and why I will get where I am going.
What I don't look for in a business relationship is:
past success
past failure
a Rolodex of “who you know”
Should we meet? Would we make a good team? How about a GREAT team?
I'd love to hear from you about speaking engagements, being featured on your podcast, or any other idea you have on how we can work together.
Drop your info below and I will personally get back to you, quicker than you might think!